Prayer Room
We have a Prayer Room that is currently available from 5am to 10pm for individuals and groups to reserve times to pray. The room is full of prayer resources to help guide your experience. Follow the instructions below to begin booking your appointment.
How to Access the Prayer Room
Step 1: Download the CourtReserve App or open the webpage.
CourtReserve is a platform for sport courts and various organizations. We utilize CourtReserve’s scheduling platform to reserve time in the Prayer Room.
Step 2: Set Up Your CourtReserve Account
Open the app + select “Join Organization”

Search “Reach Church” + Select “Create Account”
Fill out the Following Information

Step 3: Use CourtReserve App to reserve your time in the prayer room
Select “Reserve Prayer Room.“

Select “Reserve” for your desired time
Select “Individual” or “Group.” You can choose to reserve for yourself or for a group!